google analytics for fundraising

Google Analytics is one of the best tools you can use today to help increase your digital fundraising results. Plus, it’s free!

Our Google Analytics training session, as part of our Digital Fundraising Training, will enable you to measure the success and weaknesses of your campaign, and craft data to reach your unique goals.

What you’ll learn

— Supporter behaviour:

  • What your supporters like.
  • What your supporters don’t like.
  • How your supporters navigate through your site.

— Easy reporting on key data using a dashboard.

— Channels:

  • How supporters find your site.
  • Most effective channels for driving traffic.
  • Most effective channels for driving donations/actions.

— Audience:

  • Who your audience is.
  • Age and gender.
  • Interests.
  • Devices they use.
  • Time of day they like to browse.
  • How they consume your content.

— Goals and conversions.

— Custom segments:

  • Crafting data to reach your goals.